Monday, July 30, 2012

Hunter Is Too Cute!!

So Hunter has teeth coming in super fast.  He is going to have 8 teeth before he reaches 8 months old.  He loves discovering his new teeth.  Ever since the first two on the bottom came through, he likes to play with them with his tongue (the beginning of this video).  In the last day or two, he's decided he wants to learn how to blow raspberries or spit bubbles or something along those lines.  I think eventually this behavior will be obnoxious, but for now it's so cute (the end of the video)!!  Enjoy!
Hunter showing off teeth 1-4.
You can see teeth 5 and 6 on the top just barely in this picture.  Tooth 7 is hidden on the bottom and 8 is on its way in soon!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fun With Baby Food

We feed Hunter baby veggies and fruits once or twice a day. Usually he loves it and when he really gets into it, he likes to help with the spoon by grabbing it with both hands as it goes into his mouth. Now, we're being responsible parents and trying to curb this behavior, but sometimes as we're finishing dinner, I'll just let him have the spoon to play with. I just need to remember to clean it off next time so his nose and forehead don't get covered in food!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hunter's first trip bowling

We went bowling recently and brought Hunter with us. Little did we know, but they had disco balls, black and neon lights, and music pumping. He handled it all pretty well through a game and a half, but got a little overstimulated for that last half a game. All in all a good time, though!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Church at Home

As new parents, sometimes we just can't get to church on the weekends.  The Sunday morning service times conflict with Hunter's sleeping and eating schedule.  So, if we're not able to make the Saturday night service, we will just watch the service at home.  This is such an excellent option for us!  We just plug the computer in to the TV and stream the service as it's happening.  Hunter still gets to nap in his own bed and Jon and I get to spend just a little longer relaxing in the morning!

Hunter napping during church.  This is a picture of him on our baby monitor.
Then, he woke up!  And it was no big deal.  He got to join us for the end of the service!
I even got some laundry folded.  I was paying attention, too, I promise!
Mikey likes when we have church at home, too.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Farmer's Market

We go to the farmers market almost every Thursday! Here's some pics of Hunter in his ride - the hiking backpack - as well as come of our loot!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

1st Christmas - Livermore Family Meets Portland Family

For Christmas dinner, we went back to Grandma and Grandpa's and we took our Portland family with us.  Also there were honorary grandparents Marti and Larry and uncle Kyle.

Hunter fell asleep on uncle Kyle.
Abby hiding from the camera
Making Christmas cookies
Buurkarl grandparents

1st Christmas - Portland Family Came to Visit

Uncle Jay, aunt Becky, and cousins Abby and June came to our house on Christmas all the way from Portland.

Hunter, June, and Abby show off the bears that aunt Becky made for them!
Hunter in his "my 1st Christmas" outfit.  Also wearing the green booties made by aunt Becky.
June and Aunt Becky looking at new dollhouse furniture.
Abby and Uncle Jay playing with a new puzzle ball.

1st Christmas - Grandma and Grandpa's House

We spent Christmas morning at Jon's parent's house.  From the looks of the pictures, Jon and I never got to hold him!

Hospital Visitors

Hunter's Nana (my mom); peeking into the nursery as Hunter is being bathed.  Sadly, these window pics are the only ones we got of our parents!
Hunter's Grandpa (Jon's dad)
Hunter's Grandma (Jon's mom); she was just getting over a cold and had to wear a mask.
Adam and Stephanie - friends from church
Ryan and Ashlee - friends from church
Ryan and Kirsten - friends from church
Joella - friend from church
Natasha - friend from church; all of these visitors came on the same night and while they were in our room, Hunter's great grandparents called from Texas. That's who I'm on the phone with!
Keith - Jon's best friend's dad and childhood pastor
Lita - Jon's cousin
Sarah - childhood friend of Jon and new mom herself!  She has a 2 week old baby waiting down in the lobby when she came to visit Hunter!
Karley - friend from church
Darli, Jory, and Jennifer - more of Jon's cousins
Aaron - Jon's little brother

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Must. Finish. Birth. Story.

Ok, I don't have to work in the morning, so I'm not going to bed until this birth story is done!

First, the story, then the pictures.  So, from the moment we decided to do the cesarean, to the moment they wheeled me into surgery, only a few minutes passed.  At least that's what it felt like to me.  I couldn't move, so I just laid there, but it seemed like everyone around me was very busy.  They brought Jon some paper scrubs to put on, in the biggest size they had, which of course were too small for him.  They were very baggy, but too short.  I think they ripped as soon as he put them on.  Luckily, they still let him in the operating room!

So, I was wheeled around the corner (literally) and into the operating room.  Still unable to move, somehow three or four very small nurses transferred my large, pregnant self from my labor bed to the operating table.  Once again, things started moving very quickly.  Before I knew it, my doctor was in the room and she was introducing me to the doctor who was going to assist her.  I literally don't think I was done saying hi to them when they started cutting.

The anesthesiologist told me that I would feel what was going on as they delivered the baby, but that I shouldn't feel pain, only pressure.  Well, I may have two college degrees, but evidently I don't know the difference between pain and pressure.  Either that or the anesthesia wasn't working quite right on me.  I'm going to need Jon to really fill in the gaps here (future post), because I began to lose it at this point.  I genuinely feel like I was experiencing more pain than pressure and was very, very uncomfortable with what was happening.  The nurses and doctors kept asking me, "Well, are you feeling pain or pressure?  Pain or pressure?"  I got to the point where I was about to knock out the next person that asked me that question!  I don't know what I'm feeling, but it's something akin to being cut open and having a small human pulled from my body!  You tell me if that goes into the pain category or the pressure category!

As this went on, occasionally I would hear the anesthesiologist say, "Ok, I'm going to give you something for the pain."  Since he was standing over my head and I couldn't see him, I'm convinced he wasn't actually giving me anything.  He was just hoping the placebo effect would kick in.  I can assure you, it didn't.  At some point in this misery, Hunter was born!  I totally remember his little face when my doctor held him up to the curtain that was hung in front of my face.  In the interest of full disclosure, I'll tell you the very first thought that came into my mind when I saw him, "I hope he doesn't drip on me."  Those of you that have seen a baby fresh out of the womb will understand.  Those of you who haven't, I'll describe it if you're really that interested.

So, yay!!  We have a baby!!  He gets whisked away to get cleaned up and checked out and Jon goes with him.  I'm existing in some alternate universe at this point, still trying to decide if I'm feeling pain or pressure.  (The school nerd, teacher's pet in me hates not being able to answer a question that's asked of me.)  A few minutes later, Jon brings Hunter over to me.  I remember much of less seeing him this time.  Maybe that doctor was giving me more drugs.  I do remember a VERY perky nurse insisting on family photos.  After the fact, I'm grateful, but in the moment, I wanted to punch her lights out!  Geez, evidently this brought out my violent side....  I remember being in so much pain (there, I picked one) at this point, but this isn't reflected in my face at all in the pictures.  I am such an unreliable story teller at this point, I have no idea what they were pumping in me.

When Jon and Hunter left once again to finish the clean up process, I heard the anesthesiologist say one more time, "I'm going to give you something for the pain."  Next thing I know, I'm in a different room, and I am very groggy.  Soon, Jon comes in, wheeling Hunter up to me.  I look at him and all I can say is, "I think they knocked me out."  Jon nods quickly, "Uh, yeah, they knocked you out.  You were not handling that very well."  Finally!  Validation!  Jon lays Hunter in my arms and I am so medicated and weak that I can't even hold him.  Jon told me later that was a scarey moment for him as I had no reaction to seeing my son.

But, on to bigger matters - this baby does not have a name!  As Jon is taking the baby back from me, he says, "If I go back out there without a name, our parents are going to kill me."  It was very difficult for me to think clearly or even respond to him, but I knew in my heart that this baby was Hunter Jonathan.  It was so amazing how quickly we both agreed on that name and I knew that had to be it.

I had to spend about 3 and a half hours in the recovery area.  After I was knocked out completely, my O2 stats dropped significantly.  As I was coming out of the anesthesia, I had to be on constant oxygen.  The nurses were slowly decreasing the amount they were giving me and monitoring my levels to make sure I was breathing ok.  This was a very difficult time for Jon, his parents, and my mom, as they were not given a lot of information as to how I was doing.  As I was fading in and out of sleep I remember hearing the nurses talking to each other, "The family is calling again.  They want to know when they can see her."  Or, "It's the family calling again.  They want to know how she is doing."  I could hardly even think about the time I was missing with the baby at this point because I was so drugged and so tired.  The 3 and a half hours in that room were something of a blessing in disguise.  Even without all of that medication, I'm sure I needed the sleep!

Well, once my O2 was stable, they wheeled me into the room that would be our little home for the next 4 days.  We had a great experience in the hospital.  The staff was supportive but left us alone to bond as a family.  They helped me get back on my feet very quickly after the surgery and put me on a fast track to recovery.  And of course, they provided such great care for Hunter and encouragement to me as a new mom.  Another blessing to the surgery was the extra time in the hospital to learn and adjust, with a nurse literally at our beck and call to address all of our major or minor questions.

Ok, on to the pictures!

Jon dressed and ready to meet his son!
Brand new Hunter!  You can see the suction on his head where he got stuck during my contractions.  That went away in less than 24 hours.
Baby Hunter J being weighed.  7 pounds, 6 ounces!
Our first family photo, taken by Ms. Perky Nurse. Although I don't look like it, I feel like my eyeballs are about to pop out of my head because of the pain!
Finally awake, in my room, and able to hold my baby!  You can see how much the plug on his head has gone down and this is just 6 or so hours after birth.
Hunter was a little jaundice, so we let him "tan" every morning in the hospital room.
My precious boy.